How to do push ups? 5 Best exercises for beginners!

Push-ups are one the best bodyweight exercises. They strengthen the arms, core, chest muscles and shoulders but most beginners avoid them since they can not perform the classic push up. Yes, it is difficult for beginners to perform a push-up but following these 5 exercises can help you perform the push-ups properly. Push-ups should be done properly and regularly.

Below are the 5 exercises for beginners!

Wall Pushups

How to do it: Stand two steps away from the wall then lean forward and place both hands on the wall (at chest level).

Bend the elbows then lower the upper body towards the wall until the chin touches the wall.

Slowly straighten the arms to return to starting position and repeat.

Knee Pushups

How to do it: Get on your knees, place both arms on the floor and keep the torso hips and knees aligned in a straight line.

Bend the elbows and lower the torso until the chest slightly touches the floor. Slowly rise until the arms are fully extended. And repeat.

Tabletop Pushups

How to do it: Get in all-fours position. Keep your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.

Bend your elbows then slowly lower the upper body until the forehead touches the floor.

Slowly raise and repeat.

Incline Pushups

How to do it: Place your arms on a bench or chair. Keep the torso, hips, and legs aligned in a straight line.

Bend the elbows and lower the torso until the chest slightly touches the surface. Slowly straighten the arms to return to starting position.

Negative Pushups

How to do it: Start classic push up position. Keep the core tight and the body aligned in a straight line.

Bend the elbows and slowly lower the body until it rests on the floor.

Instead of pushing up, use the support of your knees and arms to return to starting position.

Then repeat the movement.

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